Government Travel Charge Card (GTCC)

The Government Travel Charge Card Program (GTCC) provides travelers with a safe, effective, convenient, and commercially available method to pay for expenses associated with official travel. The GTCC includes Individually Billed Accounts (IBAs) and Centrally Billed Accounts (CBAs). The GTCC is a VISA credit card that may be used at any location that accepts VISA including OCONUS locations. Personal use of the travel card or using the travel card to pay for someone else's travel expenses is prohibited. The use of the travel card for non-official expenses may result in disciplinary actions.

All Soldiers on official government travel will be issued a GTCC through their losing unit or installation Agency Program Coordinator (APC). APCs are responsible for managing the DOD GTCC program for permissible expenses (see Appendix G of JTR Manual) while on official travel orders. Use of the Government Travel Charge Card is mandatory when on official business travel, unless an exemption has been granted. The mandatory GTCC training provides guidance covering the authorized use of the GTCC.