Employment Opportunities

Army Appropriated Funded Federal Jobs

Civilian Human Resources Agency (CHRA) - https://portal.chra.army.mil/hr_public

The Civilian Human Resources Agency (CHRA) is the organization in the Department of the Army responsible for managing all aspects of the human resources life-cycle-from recruiting to retirement.


  • Servicing Civilian personnel matters in Camp Casey, Yongsan, Camp Humphreys
  • Servicing Civilian personnel matters in MEDDAC, DeCA and FED positions for all of Korea
  • Camp Humphreys, Bldg P6420 2nd Floor RM 204, DSN: 315-757-2007

Area IV CPAC :

  • Servicing Civilian personnel matters in Camp Henry, Camp Walker, Camp Carroll and Pusan.
  • Camp Henry, Bldg 1621, DSN: 315-763-4290

USAJOBS - www.usajobs.gov

  • USAJOBS connects job seekers with federal employment opportunities across the United States and around the world. All positions with the “Department of the Army” are advertised through USAJOBS.
  • Check USAJOBS Help Center page to learn helpful features and frequently Asked Questions: https://www.usajobs.gov/Help/
DODEA / Air Force / Navy/ Federal positions

Department of Defense Education Activity (DoDEA) - https://www.dodea.edu/Offices/HR/index.cfm

  • Staff Vacancies: Visit the USAJobs.gov website to search all available DoDEA vacancies, not including teaching positions.
  • Teaching Vacancies: Review DoDEA's Application Requirements and then submit your application thru DoDEA's Employee Application System. Please contact CHRA at Rock Island, IL at usarmy.ria.chra-nc.mbx.dodea-eas-applicant-inquiries@army.mil for all questions and inquiry for application process.

AIR FORCE- https://afciviliancareers.com/careers/
Visit the USAJobs.gov website to search all available Air Force vacancies.
AIR FORCE (Osan) Civilian Personnel Office: Bldg. 936, DSN: 315-784-6862

NAVY- https://www.secnav.navy.mil/donhr/Pages/Default.aspx
Visit the USAJobs.gov website to search all available Navy vacancies.
Navy (Chinhae) Civilian Personnel POC: DSN: 315-763-5316

SECO (Spouse Education & Career Opportunities)
The Spouse Education and Career Opportunities program provides expert education and career guidance to military spouses worldwide. For more information, visit https://myseco.militaryonesource.mil

Nonappropriated Fund (NAF) Employment

NAF positions include a variety of occupations paid from funds generated from sales, fees, and charges to authorized patrons. NAF employees play an important role in providing MWR services to military personnel and their family members. Army clubs, guest houses, child care centers, craft shops, bowling centers, swimming pools, gymnasiums, and many other NAF activities employ a considerable number of employees at most Army installations and contribute to the overall quality of life. This category comprises U.S. civilians; foreign nationals, usually from the local labor market; and enlisted service personnel working part-time during off-duty hours. All compete for employment on the basis of merit.

NAF positions include Human Resource Management, Physical Fitness, Child Development, Trades and Crafts, Food and Beverage Management, Golf and Bowling, Recreation, Hotels and Lodging, as well as a variety of clerical and administrative jobs. NAF positions are worldwide and provide vital support to our Soldiers, their Families and our Civilian employees.

Currently all Army Nonappropriated Fund Vacancy Announcements are located on the USAJobs website located at: http://www.usajobs.gov

  • If you are interested in applying…simply type South Korea into the “Location” box on the top right side of the USA Jobs homepage.
  • If you are interested in specific vacancy announcements you may type Job Title, Agency, Series, or Occupation into the “Keywords” box or add more filters from the list of filters on the right-hand side.
  • Each vacancy announcement will provide information on Position Title, Occupational Series, Grade, Location, Salary, etc.

Helpful Hints: Please ensure that if you are Military Spouse Preference (MSP) eligible you attach a copy of your Sponsor’s Orders.

Military Spouse Preference is defined as the wife or husband of an active duty military member of the Armed Forces. For purposes of this preference, the marriage must have occurred prior to the service members’ relocation to the new duty station. By law, qualified MSP applicants are placed at the top of the Referral List.

If you are a Current or Former NAF Employee, you should attach a copy of your DA 3434.
If you are a Veteran, you should attach a copy of your DD214, copy 4.
Both US Citizens and Non-citizens may apply for NAF vacancies.
NAF uses the E-Verify system to ensure all new hires are eligible to work in the US.

Are you a Former Army NAF Employee?

Was your resignation date within the last 3 years?
If you answered yes to both of these then you may be eligible for a non-competitive reinstatement into the same or equivalent position in the same grade or lower.
You would need: Resume or DA Form 3433, DA Form 3434, additional documentation to meet qualification requirements (HS Diploma, college transcript, certifications, etc.)
Contact your local CPAC or HRO Office.


Family members who are interested in available opportunities working with AAFES can go to the following website: www.ApplyMyExchange.com

Spouse preference offered to new applicants

Associate Transfer Program: The Exchange can help military spouses retain employment when they transition from one location to another when they PCS with a military family member. This is called the Associate Transfer program (subject to eligibility criteria). Contact the local HRO for additional information at KoreaHR@aafes.com or by phone #: 031-647-7000 (x6).

USFK Invited Contractor Employment

Invited Contractor (IC) status shall be governed by the U.S.-ROK Status of Forces Agreement (SOFA) as implemented by United States Forces Korea (USFK) Reg 700-19 in order to legally work in the Republic of Korea (ROK).

USFK Regulation 700-19 contains the policies and procedures pertaining to invited contractors and describes authorized privileges and exemptions.

For forms, documents, guidance and regulations, please access the FKAQ 700-19 Tool Kit at https://www.usfk.mil/About/USFK/Organization/Special-Staff/Acquisition-Management/

For more contracted companies, please see the Job Links.

Applying for Korean National Designated Positions

USFK employs Korean Nationals (KN) in support of our mission in Korea. Their employment program is governed by USFK Reg 690-1. This regulation allows for family members (US, and third country national) to apply for external vacancy announcements under this system for positions that are not designated as Mission Essential Civilian (MEC).

If a KN position is announced both for internal applicants and external applicants and there are no qualified internal KN candidates, family member candidates will be considered before external KN applicants are considered.

  • Current KN employees are in priority group 5.
  • Military spouses and family members are in priority group 7.
  • External KN applicants are in priority group 9.

Family members can check the following websites to look for vacancy announcements and apply for positions:

Outside Employment

The Status of Forces Agreement (SOFA) underwent significant changes as part of extensive negotiations between the United States and the Republic of Korea (ROK). The SOFA changes went into effect on 2 April 2001, and include a one-page Memorandum of Understanding regarding preferential hiring of Koreans and employment of family members (hereinafter Memorandum of Understand (MOU) dated 18 January 2001.

There are Eight Employment Related Visa Categories: The MOU states that "any of the eight employment status categories (E-1 through E-8) may be available" to USFK family members "as long as they meet employment requirements for a position stipulated by Korean Immigration Law."

  • E-1 Teaching (Professor): This is for professors of higher education. Requirements include education and experience as a professor of higher education.
  • E-2 Foreign Language Instructor: This category includes English teachers. Requirements include a bachelor's degree and/or relevant college level educational and/or work experience. Individuals applying for the is permit must also be natives of a country where the language they wish to teach is the mother tongue. Proof must be provided of relevant qualifications. The ROK government recently imposed additional requirements including criminal record check by FBI or home state police, health certificate issued by a Korean public health office, and fingerprints.
  • E-3 Research: This category includes those performing research in the natural sciences or in the development of industry and technology. Requirements include an invitation from a Korean public or private institution to perform work of this nature.
  • E-4 Technology Instruction: A person possessing professional level knowledge in the natural sciences, or special technical skills. Requirements include an invitation from a Korean public or private institution to instruction of this nature.
  • E-5 Professional Occupation: This category includes foreign attorneys, accountants, and doctors who are certified in a foreign country and are authorized under Korean law to practice in their field in Korea.
  • E-6 Arts and Performance: This category includes those engaged in music, the arts, literature, modeling, or other performance activities for profit.
  • E-7 Special Occupations: Include such employment as designated by the Minister of Justice, including work in translation, interpretation, cultural research, etc.
  • E-8 Employed Trainee: Temporary employment for industrial training purposes.

How to Get an Employment Visa: A-3 visa holders may negotiate terms of employment with a Korean company. The employer can then initiate the paperwork with the Korean Immigration Service to obtain an employment permit for the SOFA family member, SOFA family members will likely have to visit a local Immigration office and obtain an employment permit stamp on their passports. SOFA family members with a ROK employment permit can be lawfully employed on the Korean economy.

Virtual Employment for a CONUS Company

Remote work, or telework, by SOFA dependents is both permissible and normally nontaxable IAW the US-ROK SOFA. Dependents who are permitted to telework back to their Private sector companies located in CONUS do not trigger SOFA visa issues.

SOFA Article XIV, Taxation, paragraph 2 states: "Persons in the Republic of Korea solely by reason of being members of the United States armed forces, the civilian component, or their dependents shall not be liable to pay any Korean taxes to the Government of the Republic of Korea or to any taxing agency in the Republic of Korea on income derived from sources outside of the Republic of Korea"

Additionally, according to the SOFA, SOFA members are not considered as permanent residents of the ROK. Therefore, SOFA family members providing services remotely, from Korea to employers in the U.S., are not liable to pay any Korean taxes as their earned incomes are from sources outside the ROK.

Any income from the employment on the local economy is subject to Korean taxation.

Personal Contract Jobs

Local and Worldwide Contractor Recruiter List: The Army Community Service (ACS) division maintains this listing. It includes local and world-wide contractors that are not listed on usajobs.gov.

The list is maintained weekly and is distributed through the Digital Employment Readiness Job List Data Base. Names are added to the list by request only.

Those seeking employment opportunities can be added to the list by contacting Mr. Eric Burton at: eric.d.burton.civ@army.mil

Please visit the Family and MWR Employment website to find out additional information and opportunities at https://humphreys.armymwr.com/employment

Employment opportunities through Army Community Services (ACS)

USAJOBS website: This is the primary source that list all federal employment opportunities worldwide at usajobs.gov.

Employment Readiness Job Data Base List: Sent out weekly to 600+ employment seekers (primarily to military spouses). Distributed to Employment Readiness clients that have requested service through the ACS Employment Program. Those seeking employment opportunities can be added upon request.

Military Spouse Initiative Program (MSIP): This program is for spouses who currently do not have a permanent position in the Far East Region. Spouses can meet one-on-one with a local POC to review their qualifications and receive feedback and guidance as needed. Military Spouses that are interested must email their resumes directly to (usarmy.humphreys.chra-fe.list.military-spousehiring@army.mil)

Home Based Business (HBB): The Employment Readiness Program conducts two reoccurring monthly Home Based Business seminars in a class-room or virtual setting. Spouses must complete required training with an approved HBB application. Spouses must visit the ACS front desk to complete registration.

Military Spouse Employment Partners (MSEP): MSEP creates employment connections providing companies with direct access to military spouses seeking career opportunities. Spouses also have direct access to actively recruiting employers (https://msepjobs.militaryonesource.mil/msep/)

Army Career Development Program

Army Career Development Program (ACDP) (formally Army Civilian Training, Education, and Development System (ACTEDS)):

A requirements-based program that ensures planned development of civilian members of the force through a blending of progressive and sequential work assignments, formal training, and self-development for individuals as they progress from entry level to key positions. The ACDP is a 2-year, HQDA centrally funded program available to all career program areas. Career Programs will be expected to utilize Direct Hire Authorities (DHA) to minimize time to hire and improve candidate quality: https://www.army.mil/article/231943/

Pathways Recent Graduate Program:
Provides developmental experiences in the Federal Government. It is intended to promote possible careers in the civilian service to individuals who, within the previous 2 years, graduated from a qualifying educational institutions with an associate’s bachelor’s, master’s, professional, doctorate, vocational or technical degree or certificate: https://www.opm.gov/policy-data-oversight/hiring-information/students-recent-graduates/#url=intern

Volunteer Opportunities through Army community service (ACS)

Registration: Spouses wishing to volunteer may register at the Army Family Web Portal at: armyfamilywebportal.com

Can search volunteer opportunities from the same Web Portal by going to the Volunteer Management Information System (VMIS) link.

Once the volunteer has found a volunteer position, there will be a POC on the position announcement. The volunteer should contact the POC of the org directly for information on the volunteer opportunity.

Summer Hire Program

The Summer Hire Program is designed to provide young people an opportunity to gain meaningful job experience, prepare for future educational and career goals, and support the Army mission.

The program will provide jobs in general clerical and light labor work to U.S. family member dependents ages 14-22.

  • Labor: may include working indoors/outdoors, light to moderate lifting, yard work, etc.
  • Clerical: may include typing, computer work, filing, receptionist work, customer service and answering telephones.

Applicants for summer hire positions must be unmarried family members of active-duty service members, Department of Defense civilian employees or non-appropriated fund (Family, Morale, Welfare and Recreation or Army and Air Force Exchange Service) civilian.

Persons under the age of 18 will not be employed as caregiving personnel at childcare, school-age, or youth centers. Persons aged 16 years and older may be assigned to these programs to perform clerical or labor duties. Supervisors will provide line-of-sight supervision according to DOD Instruction 1402.5 and AR 608-10.

Applicants must submit online application through USAjobs: https://www.usajobs.gov