MSC Organization
2nd Infantry Division (ROK-US Combined Division)
The 2nd Infantry Division is the major U.S. ground combat unit in Korea. The Division's headquarters is located at USAG Humphreys, and its primary mission is to deter war on the Korean Peninsula by maintaining a high state of combat readiness and vigilance. 2nd ID units "Second to None" stand shoulder-to-shoulder with first-echelon Korean units immediately south of the DMZ.
19th Expeditionary Sustainment Command
The 19th Expeditionary Sustainment Command is the logistic support arm of Eighth Army with the mission of sustaining combat power throughout the peninsula. Its headquarters is on Camp Henry in Daegu, with subordinate commands located in each of the Army's four areas of operation on the peninsula.
1st Signal Brigade
The 1st Signal Brigade is headquartered at USAG Humphreys with units throughout Korea. 1st Signal Brigade provides strategic and tactical communications and information management to USFK and component command headquarters in the ROK. They provide mobile tactical communications, fixed tactical voice and wide area networking, message center and tactical data communications, satellite communications and contingency restoral of Defense Communications System circuits, long-haul, inter-nodal connectivity between geographically dispersed sites. 1st Signal Brigade operates and maintains all AFKN TV, FM and AM radio transmission facilities.
35th Air Defense Artillery Brigade
The 35th Air Defense Artillery Brigade, headquartered at Osan Air Base, stands "Ready In Defense" of Commander UNC/CFC designated assets. 35th ADA Brigade employs the Patriot and the Avenger Air and Missile Defense Systems. The Brigade has units located in Camp Casey, Suwon, Osan, Kunsan and Gwangju.
65th Medical Brigade
The 65th Medical Brigade's primary mission is to serve as the strategic link to the CONUS medical base and plan/coordinate U.S. Army medical support at the operational and tactical levels through the early stages of conflict. The secondary mission is to provide theater level command and control of assigned and attached medical units conducting combat health support within the Korean theater.
106th Medical Detachment
The 106th Medical Detachment (VSS) has responsibility for the peacetime veterinary medical and food safety and defense missions throughout the Republic of Korea, and is prepared to continue to support the warfighter in these missions in the event of a transition to hostilities. Veterinary clinics on Camp Red Cloud, USAG Yongsan, Camp Humphreys, Osan Air Base, and Camp Walker provide veterinary medical support to the pets of service members and their families, with the veterinary clinic at Yongsan serving as the veterinary medical and surgical referral center for the peninsula. The food safety and defense personnel of the 106th are co-located with our veterinary clinics, and are responsible for ensuring that the food for our service members and their families is fresh, wholesome and safe.
501st Military Intelligence Brigade
The 501st MI Brigade is subordinate to the U.S. Army Intelligence and Security Command and provides intelligence and security support to headquarters, Eighth Army. The brigade’s mission is to provide combat information and multi-discipline intelligence to joint and combined warfighters. It is comprised of the brigade staff elements and four battalions with remote elements throughout Korea.
2501st Digital Liaison Detachment
2501st Digital Liaison Detachment is headquartered at Camp Yongin. 2501st DLD integrates Joint Force and Eighth Army ARFOR-K responsibilities while embedded in the Republic of Korea’s Ground Operations Command (ROK four-star HQs that transitions to the Combined Ground Component Command (CGCC) under Combined Forces Command (CFC) during contingency). During daily operations, 2501st DLD facilitates interoperability, integration, and synchronization between GOC, US Forces – Korea and Eighth Army to ensure mutual understanding and unity of action in armistice and contingency operations. 2501st DLD is a vital partner to the Combined Ground Component Command’s leadership and staff providing an unmatched level of expertise and proficiency in each warfighting function while achieving the highest standards in the training and care of Soldiers, KATUSAs, Civilians, and their Families.
2502nd Digital Liaison Detachment
The 2502nd DLD is headquartered at Camp Henry, Daegu, with the majority of its personnel operating at the Headquarters of 2nd Operational Command (2OC) in Daegu. Their mission is to provide liaison, coordination, and synchronization with 2OC, USFK, and 8A, including their subordinate headquarters. This allows for mutual understanding and unity of effort in the Combined Rear Area during armistice, crisis, and contingency operations.
3rd Battlefield Coordination Detachment
The 3rd Battlefield Coordination Detachment, headquartered at Osan Air Base, represents the Commander, Ground Component Command and the Commander, US Army Forces to the Commander, Air Component Command in the Korean Air Operations Center in order to synchronize air power with the Army’s scheme of fires and maneuver within the Korean Theater of Operations. 3rd BCD also provides direct support to the two Fighter Wings in the KTO through detachments located at Osan and Kunsan.
UNC Security Battalion-Joint Security Area
The UNC Security Battalion-Joint Security Area is composed of both ROK and U.S. military personnel. The unit's mission includes providing security in the JSA, manning Observation Post Ouellette in the Demilitarized Zone and running the Panmunjom tour program. The unit is also responsible for the security and civil affairs of Tae Song Dong, the only Korean village within the Demilitarized Zone.
4-58th Airfield Operations Battalion
The 4-58th Airfield Operations Battalion conducts air traffic services across the Korean Peninsula using Guardian Airspace Information Center and tactical facilities. The 4-58th AOB conducts maintenance operations on several remote sites and stands ready to deploy peninsula wide to provide air traffic services during conflicts.
Korea Field Office
The Korea Field Office supports commanders extending from the International Date Line to the Indian sub-continent by conducting Army, Joint and Combined criminal investigations of serious, sensitive or special interest matters, and criminal intelligence, logistics security, counter-drug, anti-terrorism, force protection and protective services operations in support of U.S. Forces Korea, Eighth Army and U.S. Army Japan.
Joint U.S. Military Affairs Group-Korea
The Joint U.S. Military Affairs Group-Korea assists Republic of Korea armed forces in management, logistics and organization. JUSMAG-K also offers guidance in the establishment of industrial and commercial agencies directly related to national defense. JUSMAG-K is headquartered in Yongsan Garrison in Seoul.
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Far East District
The Far East Engineer District is the Department of Defense Design and Construction Agent for Korea. The district is headquartered in Seoul with offices throughout the peninsula. During its 57 years of existence in Korea, the Far East Engineer District has "Built for Peace!"
Eighth Army Noncommissioned Officers Academy
To provide quality training to prospective and newly promoted Sergeants in basic leadership skills, NCO duties, responsibility and authority as per the program of instruction for the Basic Leader Course; to receive, train and integrate newly assigned Republic of Korea Army soldiers to serve as Korean Augmentation Troops to the U.S. Army (KATUSA) as per the program of instruction of the KATUSA Training Academy; and to train U.S. Army and DA Civilian leaders to present quality instruction in a training session as per the program of instruction for the Foundation Instructor Facilitator Course.
Eighth Army Band
The Eighth Army Band is assigned to the Korean Peninsula to provide music in support of the thousands of service members of Eighth Army, United Nations Command, Combined Forces Command, and United States Forces Korea. The Band frequently leaves its home base to travel throughout the Korean peninsula and Asia, serving as musical ambassadors to the people of the region on behalf of the U.S. Army and the United States.
Headquarters and Headquarters Battalion, Eighth Army
Headquarters and Headquarters Battalion, Eighth Army provides administrative and logistical support to the Eighth Army Headquarters in order to enable the effective mission command of the Eighth Army Commander and Staff. The Battalion consists of four subordinate companies: Headquarters Support Company, Operations Company, Intelligence and Sustainment Company and the Eighth Army Band.
Army Special Operations Forces Liaison Element-Korea (ALE-K)
The ALE-K is a forward deployed logistics planning and coordination element for U.S. Army Special Operations Support Command, Fort Bragg, NC. The ALE-K ensures logistic support is planned and executed for U.S. Army Special Operations Forces deploying into the Korean Theater of Operations. The ALE-K is headquartered at Camp Coiner, Seoul.
Training Support Activity Korea
The Training Support Activity Korea headquarters is located on Camp Coiner and TSAK is under Eighth Army G-37 Training Readiness Exercise Division. TSAK's mission is to provide Eighth Army and its subordinate units the full spectrum of Training Support System Enablers. TSAK, on order, establishes a Deployable Operations Group that provides TSS to units conducting Reception, Staging, Onward Movement and Integration and as directed conducts other TSS missions in support of the USARPAC Theater Engagement Strategy.