The Eighth Army Wightman NCO Academy will deliver Professional Military Education to Junior Leaders IOT develop fit, disciplined, and well-educated NCOs capable of leading tomorrow's Army. Additionally, we prepare Korean Augmentation to the United States Army (KATUSA) Soldiers to be fully integrated in the Eighth Army mission IOT strengthen the ROK/US alliance during all operations. Concurrently, the academy is prepared to conduct RSOI operations in support of contingency operations on the peninsula.
The Eighth Army Wightman Noncommissioned Officer Academy was officially established in November 1960 near Ha-Pongam-Ni, South Korea under control of the 7th Infantry Division. The Academy is named in honor to MSG James M. Wightman, of the 17th Infantry Regiment, 7th Infantry Division who distinguished himself by extraordinary heroism in action against an armed hostile force in the vicinity of Tri-Goot, Korea on 9 March 1951. Originally, the program of instruction was known as the Primary Noncommissioned Officer's Course/Combat Arms (PNCOC/CA). On November 1, 1969, the Eighth Army Wightman NCO Academy was reorganized and assigned to I Corps. In March 1971, the Academy relocated to Story Barracks, between Camps Casey and Hovey, and it expanded its services to units in Thailand, Japan, Taiwan, and Okinawa.
In January 1974, a Command Sergeant Major was named as Commandant of the Academy. This placed more direct responsibility on the senior NCOs for the military education and training of the NCO Corps of today's Army. Shortly thereafter, the Academy was once again relocated in 1975 to Camp Jackson and in February 1978, the Primary Leadership Development Course (PLDC) of Instruction was implemented. This placed the first line supervisor, or a Soldier about to become a supervisor upon graduation into the enlisted personnel management system. The primary purpose was to develop leadership, supervisory and management skills, and upgrade combat survivability training, in addition to developing those attributes that would ensure confidence and develop a sense of responsibility required of all NCOs.
In 1983, the establishment of the Republic of Korea Army (ROKA) training center was formed and KATUSA Soldiers began to spend their whole military tour in the U.S. Army. Today, Eighth Army is authorized 3,444 KATUSA Soldiers and the ROKA Training Center is known as the KATUSA Training Academy under the Eighth Army Wightman NCOA.
In August 2005, PLDC changed its title to Warrior Leader Course (WLC) in order to better align itself with relevant curriculum and lessons learned. Later, in August 2015, WLC was renamed to the Basic Leaders Course (BLC). The Academy remained at Camp Jackson for over 40 years until moving to its present day location at Camp Humphreys, South Korea in May 2018. The Eighth Army Wightman Noncommissioned Officers Academy's motto continues to be: "By Example".
Commandant Command Sergeant Major Andrew N. Rehedul
Deputy Commandant First Sergeant Habakkuk D. Kim
The Staff and Faculty Guide will help you and guide your time here in the Wightman NCO Academy.
Staff and Faculty Guide
The Sexual Assault Prevention and Response Program reinforces the Army's commitment to eliminate incidents of sexual assault through a comprehensive policy that centers on awareness and prevention, training and education, victim advocacy, response, reporting, and accountability. Army policy promotes sensitive care and confidential reporting for victims of sexual assault and accountability for those who commit these crimes.
USFK 24/7 Sexual Assault Response Hotline: DSN: 158 Commercial: 0503-363-5700 Calling from the US: 011-82-503-363-5700
DoD Safe Helpline: 1-877-995-5247
Contact Information
CSM Andrew N. Rehedul
andrew.n.rehedul.mil@army.mil, (315)-756-3500
1SG Habakkuk D. Kim
habakkuk.d.kim.mil@army.mil, (315) 756-3504
S3 Operations Mailbox:
Quality Assurance Office Mailbox: