President Syngman Rhee of the Republic of Korea (ROK) signed and promulgated Emergency Decree No.6 on 26 July 1950, which became a legal basis for the conscription of war materials, facilities, transportation, and manpower resources. The decree was announced in response to an urgent request made by Lieutenant General Walton H. Walker, Eighth United States Army (EUSA) Commanding General, to address the shortage of manpower.
The Civilian Transportation Corps (CTC) was created on 15 Mar 1951, consisted of civilians to provide logistics support to the defenders of the final defensive line of ROK and US Army troops along the Naktong (Nakdong) River during the Korean War. The CTC was reorganized as the Korean Service Corps (KSC) on 14 Jul 1951 under direction of General James Van Fleet.
Today the KSC Battalion, a flagged battalion commanded by an U.S. Army lieutenant colonel, which is assigned to the Materiel Support Command-Korea and the 19th Expeditionary Sustainment Command. Just as it did during the Korean War, the KSC Battalion will "bridge the gap" between current US capabilities and required wartime end strength by providing critical capabilities until U.S. reinforcement forces arrive in Korea.
The Korean Service Corps Battalion executes logistics operations, C2 of subordinate companies, and both direct and general support to USFK units and activities. On order, KSC BN executes rapid wartime mobilization of paramilitary KNs at four mobilization stations in support of on-Pen, Joint , and Time Phased Forces Deployment Data (TPFDD) units during contingency operations.
1950.06.25 | The Korean War broke out. The North Korean People’s Army (NKPA) crossed the 38th parallel, launching coordinated attacks on ROK Army units |
1950.07.26 | President Syngman Rhee of the Republic of Korea signed and promulgated Emergency Decree No.6. The ROKG began to recruit civilians based on the decree for all the cost defense effort |
1950.08 | Each U.S. Army Division (24th, 25th Inf Div, and 1st Cav Div) began to utilize an average of 500 Korean laborers to transport supplies |
1951.01 | ROKG provided the remaining 20,000 civilians requested by then LTG Ridgway on 27 Dec 50. They were formed into the Civilian Transportation Corps (CTC) carrier companies, in Taegu, equipped with A-frames |
1951.03.15 | The CTC was created in the EUSA headquarters under the operational control of the G4 Transportation Officer to administer all labor affairs. At the end of March, 85 carrier companies, a total of 19,680 men were inprocessed and shipped to the forward areas by train |
1951.05 | LTG Van Fleet directed the Eighth Army staff to study the Korean civilian service units being used in U.S. corps areas for organized employment and tasking |
1951.07.14 | CTC was reorganized as the Korean Service Corps (KSC). KSC is placed under the staff control and supervision of the G4 Labor Section. EUSA published a KSC governing regulation, including organization chart for KSC divisions (the 101st, 103rd, and 105th Division). Authorized KSC strength was 60,000 |
1951.09 | The CTC Processing Center was renamed as the KSC Processing Center in Daegu (HQ) |
1951.12 | The KSC Seoul Detachment (at Yongsan) and Inchon Detachment were activated. Authorized KSC personnel strength was 75,000 |
1951 | 19th KSC CO was formed to support the 1309th Engineer Group |
1951 | 9th KSC CO was formed to support the U.S. Army, the 1st Cavalry Division |
1952.04.01 | The 200th and 100th KSC Brigades were newly formed |
1952.11 | Authorized KSC personnel strength was 100,000 |
1952 | 1st KSC CO was formed at Camp Casey to support 7th Infantry Division |
1953.07.27 | A truce was signed, bringing about a cease-fire / The Korean War ceased with an armistice - KSC Korean War Casualties: 2,064 were killed in action, 4,282 wounded in action, and 2,448 missing in action |
1953.09.30 | The 100th KSC Brigades was deactivated |
1953.10.21 | The 200th KSC Brigades was deactivated |
1953.10.30 | KSC strength was reduced to 45,000 |
1954.09.15 | The 105th KSC Division were deactivated |
1954 | 15th KSC CO was formed at Camp Red Cloud with 350 KSC personnel to support the Special Troops Unit HQ, I Corps Group |
1954 | 16th KSC CO was formed at Camp Esseyon with 250 KSC personnel and supported B CO, the 14th Engineer Battalion |
1955.03.15 | The KSC Control Detachment was organized with 3 officers and 3 enlisted men who were assigned from the Eighth Army, and was placed under the G-1 |
1955.05.20 | The 103rd KSC Division were deactivated |
1955.07.01 | The KSC Control Detachment was assigned under the Eighth Army and was attached to the 8096th Army unit |
1955 | The KSC Control Detachment was moved from the Eighth Army HQ, Yongsan to the Chungyang-ni (Cheongnyangni) compound where the KSC Base Hospital was founded |
1958.05 | 28th KSC CO was formed with 247 KSC personnel at Taepang (Daebang)-dong, Seoul to support the 76th Engineer Battalion |
1958 | 33rd KSC CO was formed at Camp Long to support the 44th Engineer Battalion and the 76th Engineer Battalion |
1959 | 2nd KSC CO was formed to support the 7th Infantry Division |
1962.09.15 | The KSC Control Detachment was assigned to EUSA Special Troops with 2 officers and 4 enlisted men and was placed under the Eighth Army G-5 |
1967.02.09 | The U.S. Forces Status of Force Agreement (SOFA) became effective |
1967.02.23 | The ROK and U.S. Governments signed an Agreement Regarding the Status of the Korean Service Corps |
1967.07.01 | The 101st KSC Division HQ & 5 KSC BN HQ (1st , 2nd , 3rd , 5th and 6th) were deactivated |
1967.08.11 | 74 KSC officers (ROKA reserve) and 169 KSC NCOs (ROKA reserve) were separated from the KSC |
1967.10.09 | The KSC Control Detachment compound moved from Chungyang-ni (Cheongnyangni) to Kongnung-dong (Gongneung-dong) |
1967.11 | Began to issue DD Form 489 (Geneva Convention Identity Card) to all armistice KSCs |
1967 | 12th KSC CO was formed to support the U.S. army Support Group Joint Security Area |
1968.08.10 | 6th KSC CO was formed with 150 KSC personnel to support Pusan (Busan) storage facility and other U.S. units located in the Pusan (Busan) area |
1968.08 | 37th KSC CO was formed at Camp Carroll with 148 KSC personnel to support the Materiel Support Command-Korea (MSC-K) |
1970.11 | 32nd KSC CO was formed at Camp Henry to support Area Facilities Engineer (AFE) Daegu & the 19th Support Command |
1971.04.15 | The KSC Control Detachment was attached to the U.S. Army Garrison, Yongsan and placed under the operational control of the Eighth Army G-1 |
1971.06.30 | The KSC Control Detachment TDA was published |
1971.11 | Named the KSC Control detachment compound as Camp Kim |
1971.12 | The Operational Control transferred from the Eighth Army G-1 to G-3 |
1972 | 22nd KSC CO was formed at Camp Humphreys with 138 KSC personnel to support the 23rd Support Group |
1974.07.13 | KSC Cenotaph (Monument) was erected at Camp Kim, Kongnung-dong (Gongneung-dong) |
1976.06.01 | 8th KSC CO was formed at Camp Page, Chunchon (Chuncheon) to support the 4th Missile Command |
1979.03 | KSC personnel began to support Team Sprit exercises tent city construction and maintenance |
1980.12 | KSC company Guidon was designed and adopted |
1982.08 | Issued M17A1 protective mask to KSCs |
1983 | Allocated strength was 3,208 with 21 companies |
1984.08.23 | 256 KSC wartime augmentees mustered by the ROKG conducted two days Engineer KSC MOBEX in Taegu and Seoul during the UFL 84 |
1985.07 | The KSC Control Detachment compound moved from Kongnung-dong (Gongneung-dong) to Namyong-dong (Namyeong-dong) |
1986.03 | KSC coin was created |
1992.06.14 | The KSC Control Detachment payroll functions moved to the KN Pay Section |
1994.03.13 | Approved the issue of CTA 50-900 & OCIE items to armistice KSC members |
1994.07.16 | The KSC Control Detachment was redesignated as the KSC Battalion (EUSA permanent order #123-1), a Battalion commanded by a LTC with 13 companies located throughout the peninsula |
1995.10.01 | KSC BN HQ was reorganized into four divisions (S1, S3, S4, and RM divisions) |
1997.09.11 | The first KSC BN Mobilization ROC Drill was held at Collier Field House, Yongsan |
1999.03 | The Operational Control transferred from the Eighth Army G-3 to the Chief of Staff |
2005.11.10 | 7th KSC CO was formed with 91 KSC personnel to support Heavy Equipment Transporter (HET) Operation for 2nd Infantry Division |
2006.03.24 | 36th KSC CO was formed at Camp Carroll. The company is designated as a functional company for AFSBn-NEA and it has an armistice and wartime mission of supporting APS-4 |
2009.09.04 | HHC, KSC BN was formed at Camp Kim, Yongsan |
2013.01.15 | The Operational Control transferred from the Eighth Army Chief of Staff to the Materiel Support Command-Korea (MSC-K) and the 19th Expeditionary Sustainment Command (ESC) |
2018.05.31 | HHC, 9th, and 28th KSC COs and KSC Battalion HQ relocated from Camp Kim, Yongsan to Camp Humphreys |
2019.06.01 | 19th KSC CO relocated from Yongsan to Camp Humphreys |
2019.06.01 | 34th KSC CO was formed at Camp Humphreys to support directly the 8A HQ and USFK HQ Present The Korean Service Corps (KSC) Battalion has subordinate 18 companies that are spread throughout the peninsula from the Panmunjom in the north to Busan in the south with organized tasks |
FY23 | Authorized Battalion Commander on HQDA Command Select List (CSL) |
2023.08.25 | Special unit designation as “A-Frame” Battalion |
FY24 | Authorized Battalion Command Sergeant Major (CSM) HQDA Command Select List (CSL) |
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지원 방법 및 최종합격자 구비서류 확인Education Program section will assist all KSC employees in their personal and professional development by providing educational training information and opportunities from both on-line and on-site. Majority of trainings are from U.S. Army web based which will help you grow professionally. It will enhance our ability to support U.S. Army by strengthening the readiness and fulfill our motto
"Service First”.
We believe your success is our success. Let’s grow together!
ELT (English Language Training) is a program within the KSC Battalion, which started in 2006. The ultimate goal of this ELT program is to improve and maintain KSC employees English language capabilities during armistice and contingency. Four ELT instructors are teaching classes nationwide. The ELT program is divided into two areas; educational program and awards program. Educational program includes a wartime training and general ELT and awards program include English Speech Contest and ALCPT Award program.